I = r i = i || function () ,lpTag.init()):window.lpTag. NOTE: while named the same as above, this file is loaded from a different location and is HL specific!
This dongle driver now provides full support for Apple's Leopard.

As of this writing the latest version is date 11/2007. Mac users should select the file labeled " HDD_Installer_MacOSX.dmg". Use the HASP SRM Run-time Environment in place of HASP HL drivers. Aladdin Hasp Emulator, HL, BASIC, PRO, HL Max, HL TIME, HL NET, Clone, Backup, Crack, Copy, Free Driver, Dumper, Service Team, Replic, Windows 10 64bit. Note: The HASP SRM Run-time Environment is backward-compatible with legacy HASP HL.
This is the GUI installer which supports both 32 and 64 bit operating systems and has full support for Microsoft's VISTA. PC users should select the file labeled " HASP_HL_driver_setup.zip". ProfileMaker 5 software uses a purple-colored HASP dongle that will use the "HASP HL" driver that can be downloaded from the following link: This dongle driver now provides full support for Apple's Leopard. This is the GUI installer which supports both 32 and 64 bit operating systems and has full support for Microsofts VISTA.

Note that 64-bit Windows does not support running 16-bit Windows-based applications. The application can obtain additional information about the processor by using the GetNativeSystemInfo function. This is the GUI installer which supports both 32 and 64 bit operating systems and has full support for Microsoft's VISTA. A 32-bit application can detect whether it is running under WOW64 by calling the IsWow64Process function (use IsWow64Process2 if targeting Windows 10). PC users should select the file labeled " HASP4_driver_setup.zip". Monaco Profiler 4.8, Monaco Proof 3.7, and Monaco DCcolor all use a green-colored HASP dongle that will use the "HASP4" driver that can be downloaded from the following link:

Each of these dongle types are a different color and require a different driver download. X-Rite currently uses two separate Aladdin HASP dongles for licensing software.